Margherita noodles

Margherita noodles

Noodle is a fast, delicious and lovely food with magic favors for all ages. Mahnam margherita noodle include noodle string, various kinds of cheeses and tasty spices which will be ready in just 3 minutes so that you can enjoy with family and good friends
tickNumbers in a carton: 40
tickWeight: 75g
nodel vegtebale mahnam

Contact information

map marker

Main office address: Tehran, Marzdaran, Isaar avenue, Motamedi street, No. 2, second unit.

map markerFactory address: Karaj, Hesarak, First of the Kamalshahr, No. 112
telephone iconOffice phone number : (+98) 2144269600

telephone iconFactory phone number :  (+98) 2634800010-11

email openEmail :


Our Location

akhbar danestaniha

nemayandegi forosh

forsathaye shoghli