Veal Bouillon

Veal Bouillon

Give your foods special flavor and taste by Mahnam bouillons which are made of spices, vegetables, meat and other natural materials.
Mahnam veal bouillon is made of the highest-quality raw materials include natural veal bouillon, and aromatic spices, which makes you a professional chief.
Mahram bouillons make the flavor of your stews and the other foods special and delicious. By using Mahnam natural bouillons there no need to add the salt to foods.
osare goshtegosale mahnam

Contact information

map marker

Main office address: Tehran, Marzdaran, Isaar avenue, Motamedi street, No. 2, second unit.

map markerFactory address: Karaj, Hesarak, First of the Kamalshahr, No. 112
telephone iconOffice phone number : (+98) 2144269600

telephone iconFactory phone number :  (+98) 2634800010-11

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